- 3,5 žlice brašna
- 1 žličica šećera
- 1 žličica praška za pecivo
- BAM Kakao namaz s lješnjacima
- 2 žličice mascarpone sira
- 1 žličica šećera u prahu
- Par žlica mlijeka
Tražiš brz, jednostavan i ludo ukusan recept za desert? Čokoladna rolada s lješnjacima je prava stvar! Mekano tijesto punjeno BAM namazom od lješnjaka s kakaom peče se u mikrovalnoj pećnici za manje od minute, a zatim se prelije kremastom mascarpone glazurom za šlag na tortu. Tako se brzo pravi da ćeš ga voljeti, čak i kada imaš neočekivane posjetitelje ili kada šećer padne, a želiš nešto slatko odmah. Sve što trebaš su osnovni sastojci koje vjerojatno već imaš kod kuće. Chocolate-hazelnut roll with BAM hazelnut spread with cocoa in 5 minutes! 🍫 INGREDIENTS: - 4 tablespoons of flour - 1 teaspoon of sugar - 0.5 teaspoons of baking powder - 7 tablespoons of milk (5 tablespoons for the dough and 2 tablespoons for the topping) - BAM hazelnut spread with cocoa - 2 tablespoons of mascarpone cheese - 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar PREPARATION: 1. Step Mix flour, sugar and baking powder in a bowl. Gradually add the milk and knead the dough from all the ingredients. 2. Step When the dough is ready, shape it into an oblong rectangle and spread it with a generous amount of BAM cocoa hazelnut spread. There is never too much of this in preparation. 3. Step Roll the dough into a firm roll and place it in a previously greased cup. 4. Step Place the cup in the microwave and bake for about 50 seconds until the sweet pastry is golden brown. 5. Step Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, mix the soft mascarpone, powdered sugar and a little milk until you get a creamy and smooth mixture. Spread the prepared cream evenly over the top of the baked roll and put the cup back in the microwave for an additional 10 seconds. So simple yet divine. Delicious! 😋 #chocolate #chocolatelovers #bamchocolate #simplereceipe #mugcake ♬ Have My Love - VIP - Shaun Dean & S Dog
Ovaj desert kombinuje jednostavnost, ukusnost i domaću čaroliju koja te vraća u djetinjstvo. Najbolji dio? Za pripremu je potrebno samo 5 minuta tvog vremena.
Oblikuj duguljasti pravokutnik i premaži ga božanstvenim BAM Kakao namazom s lješnjacima.
U serpici pomesaj mascarpone sir i secer u prahu i malo mleka (toliko da masa bude tekuca da se dobro izmesa).
Pripremljenu kremu prelij preko rolade i stavi u mikrovalnu pećnicu na još desetak sekundi. Jednostavno i božanstveno!