- 250 ml vode
- 100 g maslaca
- Prstohvat soli
- 1 žličica šećera
- 150 g brašna
- 4 jaja srednje veličine
- BAM Mješavina za kremu od vanilije
- 1 litra mlijeka
- BAM FIT Academy džem od malina bez dodanog šećera
Ako volite kreme, princeze i éclairs, onda je ovaj desert za vas! biciklistička utrka između Pariza i grada Bresta.
Ovaj okrugli desert, čiji oblik simbolizira bicikl, radi se od hrskavog kuhanog ili paljeno tijesto punjeno bogatom kremom od vanilije. Sa svojom laganom i prozračnom teksturom i intenzivnim orašastim okusom, Paris-Brest je postao popularan izbor među francuskim ljubiteljima peciva.
Jedinstvena kombinacija tekstura i okusa čini ovu slasticu nezamjenjivom i vječnim favoritom koji i dalje vlada u slastičarnicama diljem svijeta. Paris Brest with BAM vanilla cream and raspberries 🤩 ✨ If you like custards, princesses and éclairs, then this dessert is for you! Presenting Paris Brest with BAM vanilla cream and BAM sugar-free raspberry jam. Paris-Brest is a classic French dessert first created in 1910 to celebrate the bicycle race between Paris and Brest. This round dessert, the shape of which symbolises a bicycle wheel, is made of crispy boiled or baked dough filled with a rich vanilla cream. With its light and airy texture and intense nutty flavour, Paris-Brest has become a popular choice among French pastry lovers. The unique combination of textures and flavours makes this dessert unmistakable and an eternal favourite that still reigns supreme in patisseries around the world. #bamchocolate #parisbrest #vanillacream #raspberryjam
♬ original sound - BAM (Become A Master)